This week, Orvis’s Tom Rosenbauer and Shawn Combs take a claw
hammer to a redfish skull and get drunk with carp envy, we get high
on boiled peanuts and try tie to striper flies, trade expensive
gear for an inflatable doll, and figure out where Bob Ross hid all
This week, Joe joins his best bud, Mark Wizeman, at deer camp to
hunt for Queen Elsa and provide muzzleloader support, we don shark
socks and chase brown trout with shovels, drain a bottle of bourbon
while catching a walleye we don’t want, and rip a rainbow canoe
apart with our bare...
This week, veteran Vermont fisheries biologist Shawn Good counts
every minnow and takes a slap shot at DIY fish stockers, we ruin a
perfectly good walleye bite by introducing a lack of common sense,
sue a jet skier for ruining our bug zapper, and deep fry a whole
bunch of largemouths to prove everyone would rather...
This week, the honorable Nate P. angles on the Black Sabbath and
shows us where the bodies are floating, we catch the world’s
smallest steelhead and the biggest pit viper carp, have a terrible
shaving accident while infusing dough bait with fear, and feed Tuna
Helper to obnoxious...
This week, Jim Fee leaves his family at the zoo to trespass with
teenagers, we prepare our dads to have their arms ripped off in a
foreign country, soak Kool-Aid infused chicken for frozen trout,
and wood chop our way to disappointment at the...
No matter how you fish or what you fish for, Cut & Retie with Joe Cermele. Never techy, always metal-injected, let your guard down and stop taking fishing so seriously, because it's just fishing, man.