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The Galactic Cow: Conversations about teaching, the Universe, and everything

May 24, 2024

In Fall 2023, I gave a talk at the second annual Higher Ed in Prison conference organized by the Tennessee Board of Regents, as part of their work with the Tenneesee Higher Education in Prison Initiative.  This was the first keynote I gave outside of the Pacific Northwest region and I thoroughly appreciate...

Aug 7, 2023

Welcome to Episode 8, the final epsiode of Season 1!  Our hope this season has been to start a different conversation about what learning and teaching might be, and we think that is happening.  But as often as we say we don't have any 'final' answers, we also want to know how practitioners apply these ideas to how they...

Jul 18, 2023

Of all of the topics we considered for this first season, grief was not one of them.  It didn't become a contender until a few days before we started prepping the episode.  The Abolition X pod had been in the back of my mind all season and it would not go away, so I asked ambar if we could talk about grief, instead of...

Jun 29, 2023

Are you feeling alone and isolated at the front of your classroom?  Disconnected from your students, your colleagues, maybe even yourself?  

Teaching has become a pretty isolated place and connecting with students feels more and more difficult.  But what if we could have a practical conversation about love in...

Jun 14, 2023

We are finally dropping an episode about the thing no one wants to talk about - boundaries in teaching

If you are like me, boundaries are confusing enough in my personal life, let alone in the classroom, and there is almost ZERO info on setting boundaries in higher ed (or really any classrooms)!  As teachers, we are...