Mar 20, 2023
we recorded this mini-episode to answer the question "why are we here?" but only for the podcast, not to cause an existential crisis! we liked the idea of introducing ourselves separately, so here we are - it was just that simple. emareena and ambar are both adult educators and are interested in how teaching and learning need to grow and expand, just as humanity needs to grow and evolve.
we started our work together as part of a state-wide diversity and equity collective, and have been moving together in that space for several years. we discovered a mutual fascination with emergent strategy, justice, tending relationship, liberation, bell hooks, paulo friere, and joy in teaching and learning. galactic cow is a place for us to bring these ideas and more into practice, as a way to fundamentally reshape learning and teaching.
emareena's book "Building a Trauma Responsive Educational Practice: Lessons from a Corrections Classroom" (first book about the impacts of trauma and adult learning and the first guide to teaching in prison), and
the Wisdom of Hafiz oracle deck. here's the card, Dream Wide Awake (#31), and its explanation:
theme music: composed and performed by Alden Zac (here, here, here) thanks friend!
editing & production: emareena (who is relieved this is mostly listenable)
logo: emareena, who loves Galactica very much, and will be occasionally posting on the blog