Jan 29, 2024
Margo and Tashira check in on the status of their New Year's goals / resolutions as January comes to a close. What's working for them so far, and what isn'? We also take a moment to reflect on the recent resignation of Claudine Gay, former president of Harvard University, and discuss why we don't really believe it was...
Jan 15, 2024
Do you have a scarcity mindset or an abundance mindset? What's the difference, and how do they affect us in our lives? We discuss the ways a scarcity mindset may have unintended consequences, and how we can begin taking steps towards shifting into a mentality and mindset of abundance.
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Jan 1, 2024
Happy New Year! Margo & Tashira reflect on what they learned in 2023, their goals for 2024 and what they are ready to leave behind, both in their personal lives and professionally. Tashira reflects on workaholism, and Margo shares insights about her surgeries from 2023 and regaining strength as we head into 2024.