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Dating Intelligence the Podcast

Apr 18, 2021

Join Christopher and his Guest Cohost: Comedian Nicole Blaine as they discuss divorce from the child's point of view.  You always here from the parents on how they endure... but, do you ever wonder how the child feels in this situation? Get all the details as they share from experience.  (remote audio) 

Apr 18, 2021

Join Christopher and Guest Cohost Playboy Playmate Echo Johnson as they share a common theme in finding love with a past relationship that ultimately becomes your soulmate and the love of your life.  I guess it true when they say, "Absence makes the Heart grow fonder"!

Apr 6, 2021

It's our 1 year anniversary episode and Tina's last as cohost.   So we decided to pull out this rare release episode with both of us, crunked and crazy, talking about break ups and the things we all do to get out of relationships.  Now,  whether it's the right way or the wrong way.... listen as we slur our way through...