Feb 27, 2014
Kira Soltanovich comes on Pep Talks and talks about having kids.
Eddie attempts to relate by talking about having cats.
Check out Kira on twitter at @kiracomedy
Eddie is on twitter at @eddiepepitone
Be a good person and follow peptalks on twitter at @peptalkspodcast
Feb 20, 2014
½ (the better half?) of the Comedy Film Nerds, Chris Mancini, comes by to talk about his Kickstarter Campaign to make a documentary on Podcasting. Listen to Chris Mancini on his podcast, Comedy Film Nerds, also on the All Things Comedy Network http://www.comedyfilmnerds.com/ Follow Chris on twitter @chrisjmancini...
Feb 13, 2014
Ron Lynch joins Eddie at the new All Things Comedy Studio and they
whisper all their secrets to each other for our entertainment.
Ron Lynch's one man show, Comedy and other stuff, is on February 19
at the Trepany House at The Steve Allen Theater so you should go!
He aslo has his weekly show, Tomorrow!, every Saturday...