Mar 30, 2018
Eddie IN STUDIO with comedian Steven Lolli
Twitter: @eddiepepitone @lollicomedy
- Last Week on Peptalks!
- #CreamCondoms Contest
- People are Scared
- Be in the Now
- Disown Somebody
- Full Body Deodorant Luxury
- The Curating Circuit
- Caller: Are Trump Jokes Hack?
- Discount...
Mar 22, 2018
Eddie in studio with comedian Steven Lolli
Twitter: @eddiepepitone @lollicomedy
- Cream Condoms
- Road Trip
- Goodwill
- Full Body Deodorant
- Wiz-Kid Store
- Roo Cheese
- 1980's Culture
- Niche Politics
- Solar Panel on a Gas Station
- Doing the Best I Can
- The God...
Mar 15, 2018
Comedian James Fritz joins Eddie in the studio to talk about
bombing in Skid Row (adjacent), whether Eddie is just a character,
and we hear from our new sponsors.
Follow Eddie and James on Twitter: @eddiepepitone @fritzisdead
Mar 10, 2018
Eddie is joined in studio by comedian Steven Lolli to discuss the
Oscars, social media, and America.
Follow them both on Twitter: @eddiepepitone @lollicomedy