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It's Not About the Alcohol

Dec 26, 2022

In this short and sweet episode, I read an essay published last year about coming to terms with the role codependency played in my first divorce--just in time to avoid a second divorce. 

Read this essay on my blog:

If you like this...

Dec 19, 2022

Addiction is a gradual narrowing of focus. Fewer things have the ability to make you genuinely happy. And over time, more of your thoughts, feelings and behaviors become automated stress responses.

But being "stuck" in a habit is an illusion. The brain is plastic--constantly changing. A basic awareness of how the...

Dec 13, 2022

Our brains' operating system is language-based. Words have meaning and therefore define your reality. Becoming aware of your default thinking patterns allows you to choose thoughts that you want to think on purpose. You can actually reprogram your brain to respond intelligently.

In this episode, I teach you how to shift...

Dec 8, 2022

Most of our desires are not our own. They come from cultural and social expectations of what success and happiness looks like. That's normal. Nothing wrong there. But tuning into the EXPERIENCE of both the pursuit and the aquisition of what you want is the only way to set goals that give you a sense of purpose and...

Dec 1, 2022

Omar Pinto joins us for a discussion about plant medicine. Omar is a mindset and performance life coach based in Costa Rica who made a BIG name for himself in the sobriety and recovery community with his Shair Recovery podcast. He's recently incorporated plant medicine into his coaching practice as a way to help people...