Apr 24, 2023
Tired of white-knuckling (or caving into) cravings for alcohol, comfort food and other self-defeating behaviors? Want to know what to do when you want something you shouldn't have?
In this episode, I’ll role-play the emotional sobriety framework that allows you to easily overcome urges without relying on willpower...
Apr 20, 2023
Rita Black is a clinical hypnotherapist and leading expert in both the arenas of smoking cessation and weight loss. She is the author of the best selling From Fat to Thin Thinking:Unlock Your Mind for Permanent Weight Loss and the host of the Thin Thinking podcast.
Rita’s online hypnosis-based Shift Weight...
Apr 17, 2023
Alcohol temporarily spikes your dopamine. Which is why you think, "this feels good and I want more." But what goes up must come down. Consistent use (of anything addictive) depletes your dopamine reserves. So you feel worse, crave more and unwittingly progress into addiction.
When you quit drinking, you will be in...
Apr 10, 2023
Community is the foundation of recovery. We don’t recover alone! But the ideas you’re exposed to in early sobriety have significant impact on your recovery. Labeling yourself as an "alcoholic" and committing to lifetime abstinence can increase your chance of relapse into alcohol use disorder.
Ask someone who has...
Apr 3, 2023
Whitney Durmick is author of Half Wild: A prayer for a generation of roaming malcontents. The book takes an uncompromising look at her self-destructive behavior as she lovingly untangles herself from the throes of anxiety, addiction and loneliness.
Using excerpts from the book, Whitney and I unpack the...