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It's Not About the Alcohol

Jul 30, 2024

If you’re wondering whether or not it’s really possible to become someone who has no desire to overdrink and therefore trusts herself completely with alcohol, I can tell you that it is. I have gone from being trapped in a cycle of heavy daily drinking for over 15 years to being able to enjoy drinking in moderation...

Jul 23, 2024

How often do you pour a drink that you wish you had the willpower to resist?


There’s a big difference between knowing what you should do and having the motivation to follow through. 


The mistake most people make when they want to cut back on their drinking is to use an all or nothing approach. Because it seems...

Jul 16, 2024

Are you a positive person feeling defeated by your drinking habit?


It’s hard to feel optimistic when you’re struggling with intrusive thoughts and anxiety due to overdrinking. Worrying feels like the responsible thing to do. 


But if beating yourself up was an effective strategy against alcohol use disorder, your...

Jul 9, 2024

EP130 Three skills to manage your mind so it works for you (instead of against you)


Are you tired of worrying about alcohol because no matter how hard you try to change, you always end up back in the same place?


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. But...

Jul 2, 2024

Do you have credit card debt or feel like you have to hide purchases from your partner?


Feeling bad about spending money triggers cycles of shame, overwhelm and uncertainty. Which often lead to excessive spending because heck, what’s another thousand bucks on the card?


Most people assume that solving money...