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It's Not About the Alcohol

Nov 19, 2024

How do you feel about yourself when you wake up and realize you did it again?


If you get hangxiety and shameovers after drinking, it’s not your relationship with alcohol that needs to change. It’s your relationship with yourself. 


The performance-based, perfectionistic mindset that fuels your success in other areas of your life also drives you into a cycle of self-sabotage.


Because when you beat yourself up for making a mistake, you shut off access to the part of the brain that learns from mistakes. 


The solution to alcohol use disorder is a feeling…a feeling of confidence in your ability to learn. On today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • The exact mechanism that causes you to overdrink

  • A step-by-step process to break the cycle of shame next time you wake up hungover

  • Why the road to recovery must be paved with love, self-compassion and curiosity


What daily updates from me? Find me on TikTok @hangoverwhisperer and IG @thehangoverwhisperer  

If you’re ready to fully commit to your personal growth and do the work to get emotionally sober (side effects include an 80 percent reduction in drinking), click here to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL WITH COLLEEN. You'll walk away from our call with a clear understanding of how to get the skills you need to transform your life.