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It's Not About the Alcohol

Dec 17, 2024

Are you constantly doing “the work” to improve yourself and wondering when you’ll go from being “almost there” to feeling like you’ve actually arrived?


We’re taught that success comes in pretty, perfect packages and demands extraordinary amounts of effort. And so we vacillate between feeling frustrated and exhausted and trying to stay positive with affirmations, vision boards and goal setting.


But the difference between struggling to get what you want and actually getting it is not how much discipline and willpower you have. It’s in your ability to feel like someone who is already living the life of her dreams–before those dreams have manifested into reality.


My guest today is Law of Attraction Coach Alleah Friedrichs. She’s here to share her story of how she went from suffering panic attacks because she had over a quarter of a million dollars in debt to being a millionaire living with ease and abundance within 18 months. 


You’ll learn the difference between knowing about manifestation and actually practicing it. And walk away with simple action steps that will cause immediate and measurable changes in your life.


—Want daily updates from me? Find me on TikTok @hangoverwhisperer and IG @thehangoverwhisperer  

—Get Alleah’s free money manifestation meditation and find her on social media @lawofattraction_alleah

—If you’re ready to fully commit to your personal growth and do the work to get emotionally sober (side effects include an 80 percent reduction in drinking), click here to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL. You'll walk away from our call with a clear understanding of how to get the skills you need to transform your life.

 —Click here to TAKE THE QUIZ: Do you have a drinking problem or a thinking problem?