Feb 4, 2025
Does your all-or-nothing attitude towards alcohol make you feel like you have multiple personality disorder?
Thinking you have to choose between partying like a rockstar and staying completely sober triggers a battle between your inner rebel and inner responsible grown up.
You’re stuck in hostage negotiations listening to your inner lawyers debate topics like, “is my drinking really that bad?” and “stupid reasons why I can’t stop once I start.”
The idea of changing feels complicated and hard because it seems to require huge, life altering commitments and epic levels of motivation.
Which means, you are way overthinking this, my friend.
This episode is an interview I did on the Do Life Big podcast with my friend Kathi Reuter. You’ll hear the simple mindset shifts that I teach (and use myself) to challenge the all-or-nothing thinking that causes overdrinking so that you can feel happy, healthy and balanced in your brain.
Listen to the Do Life Big podcast with Kathi Reuter. Find her find @katherinereuter on Instagram and checkout her website at https://kathireuter.com/
—Click here to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL if you’re ready to fully commit to your personal growth and do the work to get emotionally sober. Side effects include an 80 percent reduction in drinking. You'll walk away from our call with a clear understanding of how to get the skills you need to transform your life.
Click here to get my free PRIVATE podcast on Emotional Sobriety Coaching©.
—NEW! Colleen’s doing Q&A episodes! Do you want help from Colleen with a situation you’re struggling with? Click here to submit your question. Your name will not be mentioned on air!
—Want daily updates from me? Find me on TikTok @hangoverwhisperer and IG @thehangoverwhisperer and YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@hangoverwhisperer
—Click here to TAKE THE QUIZ: Do you have a drinking problem or a thinking problem?