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It's Not About the Alcohol

May 8, 2023

You know that sinking feeling when you’re staying sober or eating clean or making it to the gym–and you suddenly realize it’s not going to last?

I hate that feeling. Luckily, it's a feeling, not a fact.

Sustaining a new habit does not require a robot-like ability to resist temptation. Or massive amounts of grit and determination. It’s the awareness that ALL emotions are temporary. As a human, you should expect to have an equal number of good days and bad days–so buckle up.

Learn how to experience fear, laziness and defeat without becoming them. Start identifying as someone who accepts that success is built on failure. Because you can’t change without the belief that it’s possible.

Listen and learn the four steps I use to cultivate that belief!

THIS WEEK! Register and attend my FREE masterclass to learn the framework for my Accelerated Recovery Process©. Learn how to be emotionallysober so you can trust yourself-with or without a drink in your hand. Get a $100 credit for attending! Click here.

Want more information on The Next Chapter? Click here.


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If you need to stop drinking and want support, check out these two programs that will shift your mindset from "drinker" to "non-drinker" so you can declare your independence from alcohol. 

5-Hour Change Your Mind Masterclass--self-study

10 Days to Spontaneous Sobriety --includes group and 1:1 coaching