Would you like to permanently reduce your alcohol consumption by 80 percent so you don’t have to quit?
Most high achieving professional women assume overdrinking is caused by a lack of willpower--or worse, the incurable disease of "alcoholism." So they beat themselves up and avoid asking for help because they feel ashamed and out of control.
Whether you’re a daily drinker who can’t break the habit, or you're still going to sobriety meetings even though you don’t drink anymore, the real problem is that you don’t trust yourself anymore.
Which means it’s not about the alcohol. It’s about your relationship with yourself.
I’m a mindful drinking coach helping women learn how drinking less (or not at all) is actually a superpower, even when the idea of giving up the only thing that helps them quiet their mind feels impossible.
Figuring out what you really need and want in life will restore your focus. Get happy, not sober. Because happy people don’t drink themselves into a stupor.
Join me each week for holistic, evidence-based strategies to fix your dopamine deficit, regulate your nervous system, deal with post acute withdrawal syndrome, manage sugar cravings, improve your sleep and reclaim your mental health so you no longer have the urge to escape your own body.