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Sad Francisco

Dec 9, 2022

To some, it was a memoir, a miniseries, and a movement: #GIRLBOSS founder Sophia Amuroso is the self-proclaimed ex-socialist and dumpster-diver who departed her own failing fast-fashion startup with expert timing. Through her company Nasty Gal (like Uber, but for clothes), “serial entrepreneur" Amuroso was briefly taken seriously in sexist Silicon Valley circles, because for some, to fail is to succeed. Krystal Farmer, co-host of Two Cents Plus Tax with Sad Francisco producers Caitlin and Toshio, joins this week’s look behind the liberal front of the hometown of #Girlboss™, Inc. | Support the show and get bonus episodes: Amoruso’s Memoir #GIRLBOSS (with Gaby Dunn) - Celebrity Book Club with Chelsea Devantez