MONEY MATTERS with Christopher Hensley


Whether your goal is to be wealthy, live comfortably, or use your money to change the world, The Graduate’s Guide to Money can help you create a plan to get there.

The Graduate’s Guide to Money is full of information to help young (and not-so-young) adults get some basic tools to:

  • Set yourself up for financial success
  • Create a plan to save money
  • Pay off debt
  • Live and spend based on the things that are truly important
  • Understand the emotional side of money and spending
  • Understand the basics of employee benefits, income taxes, insurance, and investing


Today we were joined by Author and CFP Tana Gildea . We discussed her book.

About Tana | Graduates Guide to Money

Tana is a financial planner and writer who is on a mission to help others avoid some of the money mistakes she made in her 20’s and 30’s by providing basic financial information and a focused approach to managing money and financial matters.

Her journey to financial planning and writing started later in her career and took a long and winding path, so she can appreciate that “you don’t know what you don’t know” especially about money.


To learn more about Tana visit:


Personal Finance Cheat Sheet Article:…/how-schools-can-improve-their-…/

Financial Advisor Magazine Articles:…/advisors-stay-the-course-amid-monda……/on-it-s-80th-anniversary--advisors-…

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Category:Financial Literacy -- posted at: 1:58pm PST

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