MONEY MATTERS with Christopher Hensley
What's in store for Continental Societies' upcoming event: Jingle & Mingle. Houston Money Week managers Chris Hensley and Bennette Davis discuss Houston Continental's annual scholarship and program fundraiser.
Bennette Davis is the President of the Houston Metropolitan Chapter as well as a chapter charter member. 
Continental Societies, Inc. is an international women’s service organization dedicated to improving the socioeconomic and cultural welfare of under-served children and youth.  The organization was founded in 1956 and incorporated nationally in 1972.  The Houston Metropolitan Chapter was chartered in 2004, and the members have shared programs and experiences with more than 100,000 children in our short history.  Through our Five-Point Programmatic Thrust: Health, Education, Employment, Recreation plus Arts and Humanities, we create innovative programming structured to enhance and bring value to the young lives we encounter. 


Direct download: Money_Matters_Episode_251.mp3
Category:Financial Literacy -- posted at: 10:16am PST

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