MONEY MATTERS with Christopher Hensley

We have all heard about the enviormental benefits of building green. How does building green translate into hard dollars? What is the economic impact of building green?

We were joined today by Mike Collignon Executive Director and Co-Founder.

Mike engages in national and state-level advocacy, co-produces quarterly research reports, and publishes a bi-monthly e-newsletter, a monthly member publication and a monthly feature in Green Builder® Magazine. He has presented at RESNET, the Pacific Coast Builders Conference and the Sustainable Disaster Recovery Conference. Mike has also delivered testimony at the IECC and IgCC final action hearings.

A former Market Manager of Residential for the Portland Cement Association (PCA), he supervised the $1.2 million residential co-op advertising program for regional and local promoters, delivered 10 guest lectures between Cal State University at San Luis Obispo, Cal State University at Chico and Middle Tennessee State University, and managed the 10,000+ sq. ft. Concrete Pavilion, the cement and concrete industry’s marquis annual presence at the Builders’ Show.

Mike received a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing with a minor in Advertising from Drake University.

You can find out more about The Green Builder Coalition by visiting the website at:


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Direct download: mm_4-10-15.mp3
Category:Financial Literacy -- posted at: 1:15pm PST

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