Jan 24, 2023
Peter's 50-year professional journey to becoming a naturopathic doctor, clinical nutritionist, and specialist in functional medicine and healthy aging began with his studies in natural medicine and herbal medicine in the USA and Canada in the 1970s. After that, he pursued naturopathic studies in Germany at...
Jan 23, 2023
Dr Margaret Ashwell has viewed the relationship between food and health from all sides. She has been a Senior Research Scientist with the Medical Research Council, Principal of the Good Housekeeping Institute, and Science Director of the British Nutrition Foundation. She served on the UK Government’s Food Advisory...
Jan 12, 2023
Eva-Lotta Hultén är författare och frilansjournalist med kultur och samhällsfrågor som främsta bevakningsområden. Mycket av det hon skriver är åsiktsdrivet men hon gör också en hel del ”vanligt” journalistiskt material. Skola, miljö (främst skogsfrågor och matproduktion), jämställdhet,...