Feb 25, 2023
Leigh Jones
After struggling with high anxiety, depression and chronic fatigue in my late 20’s, I explored many different healing modalities and approaches to get to the bottom of these issues that were creating havoc in my daily life.
I found therapeutic breathwork and somatic therapies to be incredibly powerful...
Feb 22, 2023
Lena Morin Nilsén är grundare av nxtME.
Idag arbetar Lena som generalsekreterare på organisationen.
Lena's ord:
"Under många år levde jag i skuggan av den vanliga världen.
Skuggan som gjorde att jag alltid kände mig annorlunda, mindre
värd, smutsig.
Från 12 års ålder och fram till dess att jag var 17 år...
Feb 17, 2023
Bitten Jonsson, a registered nurse, is an expert in food addiction (where sugar and other processed carbohydrates are often the biggest problem). She has treated thousands of people in the Nordic countries and continuously furthered her education in the USA.
Bitten has several years of experience in helping patients...