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Tripping on Legends

Sep 18, 2017

Before the dark days of Hurricane Irma, Christopher Balzano was able to speak with Dr. Andrea Kitta, associate professor at East Carolina University (

The conversation hits on different aspects of folklore, from the influences of and influence of Slender Man on modern society, to our modern mental health ideas’ impact on the stories we tell, to how the role of women in American society has changed and what it means. Ultimately the real question is whether modern day ghost stories and the legends that develop around them are folklore.

Check out these links as an essential resource into looking into legends and to see some of Dr. Kitta’s work.

International Society for Contemporary Legend Research

American Folklore Society

Feel free to call our new phone number during our live shows to get involved, share a legend you’ve heard, or to just ask a question at (813) 418-6822.

Check out Christopher Balzano’s books, including the newly released Haunted Ocala National Forest at:

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