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The Autism Little Learners Podcast

Feb 6, 2024

One of my high school classmates was recently given the autism diagnosis at age the age of 53.  His name is Anton Dabbs. In this interview, he shares his experience with being diagnosed autistic later in life.  He talks about his initial reaction and looks back on his childhood and shares things that now make sense.  

Anton is sharing his experience of self-discovery on his new YouTube Channel.  Be sure to head over and subscribe to continue to follow his journey.  He is so open and honest about are going to love Anton!  He also has a new memoir coming out in late February of 2024 where you can read about his life.  He has overcome so many obstacles and challenges.  The book isn't about autism, but ends with his recent diagnosis.  However, those of you who support autistic kids may see some things throughout the book that can be attributed to being autistic.  You can order the book on his website.

Here is where you can find him:








Anton's new memoir is titled:

From Turmoil To Triumph: How A Mechanic Rose Above Poverty And Chronic Anxiety To Build A National Enterprise, And Found Peace With Himself And His Past In The Process

"I wrote From Turmoil to Triumph for three reasons.

I wrote it for entrepreneurs like me. I wanted them to know that if they have a solid idea and a strong work ethic, they can make their vision a reality. I came from no business training, but I always had a knack for it. I didn’t have a business degree. I didn’t have formal training. I didn’t have a big investor. I didn’t have a whole lot of money. What I did have was a really strong work ethic and a desire to succeed. I wanted to build a business that could work, that would support my family, that would make the world a better place for people. It became a reality.

I wrote it for my fellows who suffer chronic anxiety. I wanted them to know they were not alone. Even though we may never completely be free of anxiety, we can rise above it and find new ways to be at peace with ourselves and the world. We can take care of ourselves and advocate for our mental health. We can learn to be resilient and ride the ebbs and flows of chronic anxiety.

Finally, I wrote it for the 20-year-old whose life is not going so hot, like mine once was. It could be addiction, or crime, or a series of bad choices they just can’t get past. I was stuck in a lifestyle I knew wasn’t me, but I kept going with it, kept making those bad choices and hurting people. Yet my life turned around. I learned to channel my drive in a new direction, a healthy direction. It didn’t happen overnight, but eventually, my life started on an upward trajectory that today actually helps people and creates good in the world. If you’re like I once was, your life can turn around, too.

Today, my main goal in life is to help others, which is why I wrote From Turmoil to Triumph. In these pages, I share the good, the bad, and the ugly. A lot of it is not flattering. But if it can change someone else’s life, it’s worth it."