Colombia Calling - The English Voice in Colombia

It's always important to me to feature local people whenever possible on Colombia Calling and indeed especially those who are giving back to Colombia, so I was particulary happy when I was put in contact with Jose Miguel Jaramillo. Jose is a Bogotano and the brains behind a small, socially aware company called Clark and Rose ( which makes a variety of stylish leather bags. 

But, aside from these leather bags, perhaps the most important issue is that Jose is employing people from less privileged backgrounds to work in a responsible company. Some of his workers even include former guerrillas from both the ELN and FARC rebel groups. It's all about being socially inclusive, trust and humility. 

Tune in as we talk to Jose about his company, about his plan and also about his other project, Urban Link, where clients can rent store fronts or available "spaces" for short periods of time.

Direct download: RCC_219.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am EST