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Outta Toon Podcast

Nov 28, 2022

Thanksgiving is history and I ate way too much. Instead of thinking about my gluttony, best move my focus forward to Christmas where I can participate in greed. I've pulled out my box of Christmas movies and I'm ready to start the marathon. Do you have favorite holiday movies you have to watch every year? I present...

Nov 24, 2022

Dann Gunn co-created the theme music to Apocaleptic. He's been a musician most of his life in bands such as "The Square," "Velocipede" and as a solo artist. You can listen to most of his music on his BandCamp site or at We both were dedicated young Christians in our early life and had similar...

Nov 21, 2022

As we enter the holiday season, I have started reflecting on how I include my pets in the festivities. Food, gifts, tiny hats, is it really healthy? What do the experts say? Well buckle up and get a dose of reality and some health scolding with me from those who think they know everything. Not sure why they can't just...

Nov 17, 2022

In America, we're heading into Thanksgiving week, a holiday full of cranberry sauce and Native American genocide. Hey, it's our history, why ignore it? While searching for some warm, cozy Thanksgiving stories, I stumbled across the story of The Dakota War of 1862. I found it very interesting and maybe you will too. Have...

Nov 14, 2022

Thanks to everyone for downloading and subscribing to Apocaleptic! Please tell your friends! Share it on social media! This week I have a coffee scoop crisis, I give a few tips on how to make things a little easier in life by keeping one thing in mind and I provide some 3 and 3 for the special listeners. Thanks...