Aug 27, 2024
This week I'm freaking out at the process of ordering from Amazon. Is it better than going to the malls of the 70s and 80s? Well, no, but you take what you get, right? Do you have a favorite dog breed? If youve been listening for awhile, you may know mine so now I need to know yours. Drop me a Facebook post and let me...
Aug 16, 2024
This week I'm wondering about dating for older people. I don't know why. I'm not needing to date. But I suppose I'm just looking out for the elderly. Where are the best places to date? How are older people even making frends? I want to know this stuff. I've started planning for Halloween, folks. I'm planning on a...
Aug 8, 2024
Getting back into the swing of things this week and looking for a good formula for coffee. Do you have one? Do you have a specific coffee/water ratio for your recipes which you have developed over years of experimenting? If so, feel free to share. It's back to school week so I've been out buying three ring binders and...