Feb 29, 2024
“By using our attention we learned a whole reality, a whole dream. We learned how to behave in society: what to believe and what not to believe; what is acceptable and what is not acceptable; what is good and what is bad; what is beautiful and what is ugly; what is right and what is wrong. It was all there already — all...
Feb 22, 2024
You know by now that our thoughts create our feelings, which cause us to take action, and those actions produce our results.
So the life you’re living right now is a result of the thoughts you were thinking 3 months ago. If you want to create a different life, you have to think like your future self now. Like you’ve...
Feb 15, 2024
Making friends as an adult can be hard… but doesn’t have to be.
Losing weight with joy and ease can be hard… but doesn’t have to be.
Finding a life partner can be hard…. but doesn’t have to be.
What if, the things that you really want but are telling yourself is too hard, aren’t hard at all?
Feb 8, 2024
Sometimes its a relationship we want to leave.
Sometimes its a job.
Sometimes its a friend group.
We think that if we leave, we’ll be happier. But, happiness isn’t created from jobs, relationships or people… its created from our thoughts.
In this weeks episode I dive into how to know when it is time to go, and...
Feb 1, 2024
Its a fact of life that some people are not going to like what you have to say or what you do. We’re all driven by different things, we were taught how to behave by different parents with different value systems.
It is also a fact of life that your brain is wired to look for the threats and pay more attention to the...