Dec 19, 2022
Today’s guest is Nancy Perpall. Nancy has been a critical care nurse and a divorce attorney. In both arenas, she used conflict resolution to get her clients the best results. As a former Chair of The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania’s Domestic Relations Rules Committee, she championed rules to promote conflict resolution through mediation as an alternative to litigation.
She spent 32 years helping couples get divorced. Now she helps couples avoid divorce.
Nancy’s upcoming how-to book, The Malnourished Marriage – 5 Essential Emotional Nutrients for a Healthy Relationship, is a conflict resolution buffet of food for thought to help couples bilge a diet of discontent and feed their hunger for love. Nancy’s novel, Around Which All Things Bend, is a story about relationships and how far we’re willing to bend for love.
Our conversation revolves around busting the myth that premarital agreements cause divorce, and the things couples need to consider before getting married.
The easiest way to connect with Nancy is through her website:
Her Facebook page:
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