Aug 25, 2022
Hi and welcome back and welcome to the three hardest truths about voiceover agents. And stick around because at the end I'm going to give you a bonus truth. You're not going to want to miss. To start, one of the biggest questions for many voice actors in the early years is, “How do I even know when I'm ready for...
Aug 18, 2022
Welcome to How I Booked $35K of Voice Over Work in 1 week. Is there money in voice overs? If your goal is to get paid for voice overs after you open a voice over business, this is one example of what’s possible.
Disclaimer: While this series of events is absolutely true, it is not typical or even likely. Building a...
Aug 11, 2022
Welcome to How To Avoid BAD Voice Over Rates, deal with aggressive voice over job listings, how to negotiate voice over rates and when and why in-perpetuity is bad for voice actors.
When you’re in the first few years of your voice over careers, rates and negotiation tend to be a big black box. Why do we negotiate? Why...
Aug 4, 2022
This is my vision for what the voice over business should be. I have a vision for voice over and why this channel exits. Many think that there are voice over gate keepers or wonder is voice over too competitive. Is voice over rigged?
In this video, I’ll lay out in my view what voice over should be, what the voice over...