Nov 30, 2023
If you’re a professional voice actor or audiobook narrator, your job is to stay in the game as long as possible. Voiceover is not a long game. It’s an infinite game.
Author Simon Sinek says that in finite games, like football or chess, the players are known, the rules are fixed, and the endpoint is clear. The...
Nov 16, 2023
I've been getting a little discouraged lately about the voiceover business.
We are hearing stories of lots of people potentially being allegedly hornswoggled by a particular coach. People are making up Zoom calls with celebrities that probably didn't happen. There's La Niña and war and unrest on the world stage and...
Nov 9, 2023
It’s November and as we stare down the barrel of the Holiday Season, it's clear that 2023 has held more change and transition for the VO business than any of us knew at the start of the year.
We’ve also seen some change and transition in the PSP platforms, especially at the largest of the VO-specific platforms,...
Nov 2, 2023
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to remember Voices and Voice123. Both had lives with so much promise, yet cut so short. We had such hopes for you.
But as The Good Book says, “Yay, though I walked through the shadow of the valley of the pay to plays, I shall fear no evil. For the GVAA Rate Guide is with...