Feb 16, 2023
On this Episode of Talk of The Town we hear from Police Services Officer Haas.
She talks about Animal Control, specifically Animal Abuse and then a bit about our Leash Law and Woodland Lake in specific.
The Link Cooalition can be found here - https://nationallinkcoalition.org/
Non-Emergency Dispatch - (928) 537-4365
Police Department Phone - (928) 368-8800
If you would like more information about this show, or any other you can use the contact below.
For the Town Website - https://www.pinetoplakesideaz.gov/
To Call Town Hall - 928-368-8696
To Find the Contact Information of other departments - https://www.pinetoplakesideaz.gov/152/Contact-Town-Offices
To contact Rob - rhephner@pinetoplakesideaz.gov