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Torchbearers with Jake Kail

May 29, 2023

One of the key areas of the ministry of Jesus was casting out demons. Jesus is still a deliverer and is still setting captives free. In this episode, Jake teaches on the importance of the ministry of deliverance. He covers four common myths and misunderstandings about the topic of demons and deliverance and gives...

May 22, 2023

Healing the sick was a normal part of the ministry of Jesus and was meant to continue through the church. In this episode, Jake shares his journey into seeing people healed by the power of God. He then gives four keys to seeing healing restored to the church. As we step out and minister to the sick in faith, we will see...

May 15, 2023

What is the gospel of the kingdom and how is it different from the gospel of salvation? In this episode, Jake shares about the message that Jesus preached—the gospel of the kingdom of God. God not only desires to save us from sin and give us eternal life but also to see His kingdom advanced on the earth. Embracing the...

May 8, 2023

God has a multi-faceted nature, and we can sometimes pick and choose which aspects of His character we want to receive. But as believers, we must embrace the fullness of who He is as revealed in Scripture. In this episode, Jake shares a short sermon he preached on embracing the fullness of who Jesus is. The more we see...

May 1, 2023

As believers, we are called to walk like Jesus walked and do what Jesus did. But how can we step into this reality? In this episode, Jake covers four keys for walking like Jesus. As we embrace a lifestyle of intimacy with God, receive His compassion for others, and move in His authority and power, we will follow in...