May 27, 2024
In this episode, Jake teaches on embracing the whole counsel of God. One of the errors that can trip us up is focusing on parts to the exclusion of the whole. It is vital that we embrace the full scope of scriptural truth and the full expression of God's nature. It is the whole counsel of God that is the foundation for...
May 20, 2024
The concept of the fear of God is taught all throughout the Bible. What is the fear of the Lord and why is it important? In this episode, Jake gives characteristics of the fear of God and why it is vital in the life of all believers. Having a healthy fear of the Lord draws us closer to Him and enables us to walk in a...
May 13, 2024
What is the connection between grace and holiness? The New Covenant in Christ does not lower God's standard of holiness, but it does change how we relate to God and are transformed from the inside out. In this episode, Jake teaches on how grace leads us into holiness. Grace is not a license to sin--it empowers us...
May 6, 2024
All throughout Scripture, God calls His people to holiness. This is not meant to be a legalistic burden or an arduous task but a beautiful aspect of our relationship with the Lord. In this episode, Jake defines what holiness means, gives examples of areas to grow in holiness, and encouragement in how to walk in...