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Progressive Podcast Australia

Oct 23, 2013

- Whats Grinding Our Gears this Week: the Abbott governments cuts to Centrelink (the Australian governments welfare agency). - Updates on the Australian Senate. - Refugee activism. - Interview with Andrew Kelly on the tunnel picket protest against a proposed road development in Melbourne that will destroy communities...

Oct 11, 2013

- Farewell to Kevin Rudd. - Abbotts cabinet. - Australia is open for business. - Secondary boycotts under threat. - Abbott wants to sign the scary TPPA agreement. - A return to TPVs and other horrible changes for asylum seekers. - Further discussion on Syria. - Whats Grinding Our Gears: sleazy drunk men and the freeway....

Oct 1, 2013

- Book recommendation from Hugo Chavez: Hegemony or Survival by Noam Chomsky. - Liam Kenny defends The Chasers false depiction of his dad having sex with a dog. - Whats Grinding Our Gears This Week: homophobic Google. - Occupy Wall Street two year anniversary. - Spoken word CD recommendation: War and Civil Disobedience...