Sep 24, 2023
We welcome back Mark Trautman of Mark’s Money Mind. Bill and Becky chatted with Mark on episode 12 about money in relationships. Mark also stood in for Bill as a co-host with Roger Whitney, the Q&A panel from CampFI, and On the Road with Catching Up to FI.
In this conversation, we are going to dive into an alternative to the 4% Rule of Thumb. We see people in our community ask about a drawdown strategy in retirement, and the go-to answer seems to be the 4% Rule. But we would like to present another way of solving for that question, “How much money do I need for retirement?”
Thank you to our sponsors:
Personal Finance Club (Use code CUTOFI to get $30 OFF any course or PFC investing course only!)
Measure Twice Money ($100 OFF "Create Your Own Financial Plan" Comprehensive Video Course)
Nectarine: Advice-Only Financial Advisors
Resources mentioned on the show:
The Retirement and IRA Show with Jim Saulnier and Chris Stein
The 4% Rule: EDU #2216 - The Retirement and IRA Show
The Fun Number Part 1: EDU #2302 - The Retirement and IRA Show
All About The Minimum Dignity Floor (MDF) Part 1: EDU #2231 - The Retirement and IRA Show
Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract (QLAC)
Disclaimer: We are not lawyers, financial advisors, accountants or tax experts. Please consult your own professional advisors before making any important decisions. Our content is for entertainment and education purposes only.