Apr 23, 2023
Jennifer Allen, a Catching Up to FI Facebook community member, joins us for her first podcast! We talk about her journey to FI in her early 50s from a health scare wake-up call at 40. We touch on topics like spousal buy-in, geo-arbitrage, FI healthcare prior to Medicare, tax and income optimization in retirement, and IRMAA, among many others.
Thank you to our sponsors:
Personal Finance Club (Use code CUTOFI to get $30 OFF any course or PFC investing course only!)
Measure Twice Money ($100 OFF "Create Your Own Financial Plan" Comprehensive Video Course)
Nectarine: Advice-Only Financial Advisors
Resources mentioned on the show:
Mr. Money Mustache - The Shockingly Simple Math Behind Early Retirement
Empower (formerly Personal Capital)
Disclaimer: We are not lawyers, financial advisors, accountants or tax experts. Please consult your own professional advisors before making any important decisions. Our content is for entertainment and education purposes only.