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Mindset, Money, & Life for late starters on the journey to Financial Independence

Dec 3, 2023

Jennifer Mah is an FI enthusiast, and you can find her wit and wisdom all over many FI social media channels. She is an administrator of the Afford Anything Facebook Group and is active in the Choose FI Community locally and worldwide. Her home base is in the San Diego area where she is an entrepreneurial financial coach at Your Money, Your Life Financial Coaching. Jen's services are designed to reduce anxiety and stress, help people take control of their money, and empower them to build the life that they want.

Jen’s personal and money stories are moving to say the least. Bill and guest co-host Jackie Cummings Koski dive deep with Jen to explore the intersection of personal and financial trauma and inspirational resilience. Please be aware that some of the topics we discuss in today’s show can be triggering. It is with great pleasure that we welcome Jen to the Catching Up to FI Family!

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Thank you to our sponsors:

Personal Finance Club (Use code CUTOFI to get $30 OFF any course or PFC investing course only!)

Measure Twice Money ($100 OFF "Create Your Own Financial Plan" Comprehensive Video Course)

Nectarine: Advice-Only Financial Advisors

Resources mentioned on the show:

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Letters 2 My Daughter by Jackie Cummings Koski


Afford Anything Facebook

Your Money, Your Life Financial Coaching

ChooseFI San Diego

Coast FIRE

Dough Roller Podcast

Stacking Benjamins

Earn & Invest

Portfolio Visualizer


Die With Zero: Getting All You Can From Your Money and Your Life by Bill Perkins

Disclaimer: We are not lawyers, financial advisors, accountants or tax experts. Please consult your own professional advisors before making any important decisions. Our content is for entertainment and education purposes only.