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Mindset, Money, & Life for late starters on the journey to Financial Independence

Dec 25, 2024

We love games so today we're bringing you a podcast takeover and having some fun with 'Money Jeopardy'! This was recorded live at FinCon 2024 (a conference for personal finance content creators) with 'The Struggle is Real' podcast, hosted by our friend Justin Peters. He’s joined by Jackie Cummings Koski (your co-host on 'Catching Up to FI'), Joel Larsgaard from 'How to Money' and Justin Brown-Woods from 'Price of Avocado Toast' to play!

 The contestants will be choosing questions from 4 categories:

  • Binge or Cringe - are you in or out on this personal finance topic
  • History of Money - a tough money-related trivia question
  • Frugal or Cheap - are you being a good steward of your money or just a cheapo
  • Fill in the blank - complete this statement

We weigh in on some serious topics like: Is Couponing Worth it, Using Your Old Student ID for Discounts, Weirdest Way You’ve Made Money, and more. You will chuckle and laugh throughout this whole conversation, but you’ll also pick up tips and tricks along the way. 


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The Struggle is Real (Justin Peters)

How to Money (Joel Larsgaard)

Catching Up to FI (Jackie Cummings Koski)

📕 F.I.R.E. For Dummies ~ Jackie Cummings Koski 


Price of Avocado Toast (Justin Brown-Woods)



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Disclaimer: Our content is for general education and information purposes only. We are not providing financial, legal, or tax advice. Always do your own research or consult a professional before making important decisions.