May 7, 2023
Sean Mullaney is the FI Tax Guy. Like budgets, the B word, taxes, or the T word can be intimidating and generate stress and avoidance. Sean makes tax planning and retirement accounts fun and engaging. We must all play the tax game by the rules and work to pay the least tax allowable under the law. Taxes are one of our biggest costs in life and always remember that what you don't spend, you get to keep.
Sean is a financial planner and writes The FI Tax Guy blog focused on the intersection of tax and financial independence. In 2022 he authored the book Solo 401(k): The Solopreneur's Retirement Account.
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Personal Finance Club (Use code CUTOFI to get $30 OFF any course or PFC investing course only!)
Measure Twice Money ($100 OFF "Create Your Own Financial Plan" Comprehensive Video Course)
Nectarine: Advice-Only Financial Advisors
Resources mentioned on the show:
The Advantages of Living on Taxable Assets First in Early Retirement
Sean's TikTok Advice Blog Post which includes Tax Rate Arbitrage
Early Retirement and Social Security
HSAs and Previously Unreimbursed Qualified Medical Expenses
Disclaimer: The discussion is intended to be for general educational purposes and is not tax, legal, or investment advice for any individual. Becky, Bill and the Catching Up to FI podcast do not endorse Sean Mullaney, Mullaney Financial & Tax, Inc., and their services.