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Pod Casty For Me

Oct 25, 2024

We're taking a detour this week to talk about some Paul Schrader projects that never made it to the screen - the Montreal-set gangster film QUÉBECOIS!, the Elio Petri remake INVESTIGATION, psychedelic murder mystery THE DOORS OF PERCEPTION, film festival-set stage plays Berlinale and The Cleopatra Club, biopics EIGHT...

Oct 18, 2024

This is a big one, folks. Paul Schrader's 2017 FIRST REFORMED, a climate-doom riff on WINTER LIGHT and DIARY OF A COUNTRY PRIEST, kicked off a new phase of his career that's still unfolding as we speak. Phases unfold, right? Anyway, to help us unpack both this tremendous work of transcendental cinema and our own...

Oct 11, 2024

Arf arf, listeners - this week we're talking Paul Schrader's 2016 goofaround crime thriller DOG EAT DOG with Darryl Edge and Petros Patsilivas from the Getting Dafoe You podcast! This film was a form of creative redemption for Schrader and Nicolas Cage after the fiasco of DYING OF THE LIGHT, but is it of any interest to...

Oct 5, 2024

It's two movies for the price of one today! (Podcast remains free.) In 2014, Paul Schrader directed Nicolas Cage and Anton Yelchin in a thriller about a CIA agent with frontotemporal dementia trying to hunt down an old enemy before his mind goes. The money guys took the film away from him, edited it into a...