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After the IEP: College Transition and Success Tips for Parents of Students with ADHD, Learning Disabilities, and Mental Health Conditions

Want to learn more about college accessibility for students with learning disabilities and ADHD, college mental health issues (hidden disabilities), and self-advocacy? Tune into Accessing College’s podcast, After The IEP! In this podcast, gain insight into how to navigate the higher education system as a student with a hidden disability, and learn insider tips on what you need to know during the college search process to make the best choice. Learn the importance of building the skills needed for personal and academic success, self-advocacy, and personal wellness. Tune in today and get the information you need for the success you want! Unstress your success!

Oct 11, 2023

College choice is one of the most difficult aspects of the college journey. It gets more difficult the more a student needs to look at the suervices and supports available for a specific issue. Mental health conditions are no less important when considering a college. Students with mental health conditions are seldom discussed or mentioned in any format regarding college choice. 

In this episode, I'll go over the five things you need to consider when choosing a college. Helping your student make the right choice just got a little easier. So get a pen and paper and take some notes, listen til the end becasue each point has some suggestions that you may want to follow up on. 

I'll review: 

  1. College supports available.
  2. School location. 
  3. Applying for accommodations. 
  4. Severity of the mental health condition. 
  5. Insurance issues. 

As mentioned here's the links to the College Services Planner and the course for mental health profesisonals and clients. 

College Services Planner Free  

Course for Mental Health Professionals and Clients

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