Jun 13, 2023
Kim summarizes all that has been said in this series by using eight different sets of verses that explain and describe the spiritual hermeneutic of the New Testament. The Bible itself should be the guide and informing our understanding. (NOTE: This will be the last episode for a few weeks as we work on getting all of...
Jun 6, 2023
Kim continues expounding the Spiritual worldview of the New Covenant. Abraham was looking for a city whose Builder was God, not a city—or kingdom—made by men. Jesus said it was good that He was going away so that He could send the Spirit to bring all things to their mind. Understanding of the Bible's internal...
May 30, 2023
In this penultimate episode of what he planned to present, Kim shows how the Old Covenant and the New Covenant are related and separate, i.e., their continuity and their discontinuity. Both covenants are pictured in the symbol and the reality of the temple: the holy place and the Holy of Holies. The way into the Holy...
May 23, 2023
Kim explains his chart further by revealing that the eschatological fulfillment of the New Testament is a Spiritual reality. Most systems of biblical interpretation focus on a renewed version of the physical world, but the biblical reality is Spiritual, not natural. Spiritual are not less "real" than physical things, in...
May 16, 2023
Kim reveals his paradigm in visual form with a chart called, The Structure of the Covenants. Drawing from the influence of Geerhardus Vos, Kim shows how the covenants unfold and come to pass in history and, ultimately, through the life and work of Jesus Christ.
View the chart here: The Covenant Structure...