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The Inspired Classroom

Welcome to The Inspired Classroom's podcast where we will focus on the arts' place in education and social-emotional learning for both students AND teachers!  After all, you have to Get Inspired in order to Be Inspiring.  

The Puzzle Pieces for SEL - Part One

Sep 3, 2023

Whether you have a done-for-you social-emotional curriculum or not, it's important to start rethinking how you approach your job as a teacher.  Your students need help when it comes to how they transition into your room to learn and how they focus and engage with their work.  

There are 4 puzzle pieces that make up a...

What it means to be a Caring, Creative Teacher

Feb 23, 2023

Being a caring, creative teacher goes far beyond the idea that you can teach your content well.  Nowadays, we need to rethink how we approach these two concepts when it comes to the type of teacher you are.  You a naturally both caring and creative... now let's look at what that means for today's classroom and our...

Mistakes Caring Teachers Make with Family Communication

Feb 21, 2023

Family communication can feel indimidating at times, but it doesn't have to.  Here are a couple mistakes we can keep in mind so that when we do need to contact parents, it's a positive experience!

Learn more about SEAL, the only method that empowers caring teachers to calm classroom behavior issues and ease teacher...

Even Caring Teachers Make these Mistakes

Feb 19, 2023

You can be the most caring, positive teacher and still make these mistakes in your classroom. It's ok... we all do this. (Me included!) But the more we are able to remind ourselves about these the mistakes, the more apt we are to readjust and fix them! So, let's take a look at these mistakes together and see if we can...