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Honest Art Podcast with Jodie King

Mar 12, 2024

What does it mean when a piece of art “has it”? When you hear people say, “I get it”? To someone who doesn’t understand abstract art, it can feel like everyone else is speaking a language you don’t — but I’m here to break down what makes abstract art great.

The truth is, abstract art is about so much more than technique and skill. They’re important, sure, but there’s something much greater at play. It all comes down to doing the inside work before you get to work on the canvas. It’s about sharing the message that only you can share! 

That’s what can make abstract art speak directly to people — even when there’s nothing “physical” represented on the canvas.

But how can you, as an artist, tap into your most-important message and share it on a canvas? That’s what I’ll be talking about in this episode, 

Make sure to subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss a thing! And don’t forget to come hang with me on Instagram @jodie_king_.

Interested in being a guest on a future episode of Honest Art? Email me at!

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