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Money Stuff With Moms

Sep 29, 2023

2023 Report Financial Sustainability of CPP:

Rational Reminder 2019 CPPIB:

CPP Numbers (before tax):

  • CPP age 60 max $770/mth
  • CPP age 65 $1,200/mth
  • CPP age 70 $1,700/mth
  • The current average CPP at age 65 $700/mth

Sep 22, 2023

Today we discuss the biggest things that stop people from achieving financial success. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting on your financial path, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to conquer their financial goals.


Links mentioned:

Owen's Plan Easy YouTube...

Sep 15, 2023

Plan grocery shopping once a week and order online to keep costs down. Use apps like Flipp to track sales and buy in bulk. Simplicity in meals: Be okay with simplicity in meals, like breakfast for dinner or snacks on a plate, to avoid fast food and expensive takeout.

Sep 8, 2023

Clients' grocery costs have increased significantly. Having a specific grocery budget and getting creative with what's already at home can help. 


Flipp app:
Hagens salad dressing:
Grocery Challenge (starts Sept 18th)...

Sep 1, 2023

The idea of retirement might be different but work optional is something many of us strive to. 

Find your estimated CPP amount:

The standard age to start receiving CPP benefits is 65, but you can wait begin your Canada...