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The Viall Files

Feb 28, 2023

Welcome back to another episode of The Viall Files: Bachelor Recap Edition! We’re joined by actress and comedian Arden Myrin to discuss the sixth episode of Zach’s season. We start out by covering the week’s Bachelor Tea, including Greer and Zach’s responses to their cocktail party disagreement. We then dive...

Feb 27, 2023

Welcome back to another episode of The Viall Files: Ask Nick Edition! We’re back to answer your burning questions about the world of dating and relationships. Before getting to our callers, we feedback we got on a previous Ask Nick episode, and get our weekly Breakup Song of the Week submission. Our first caller has...

Feb 24, 2023

Welcome back to The Viall Files! Today we have another special “where are they now” update show where we give you updates from our past callers, to see what’s happened in their situations and relationships since appearing on the show. 

We bring on our first caller whose boyfriend was still extremely close with his...

Feb 23, 2023

Welcome back to The Viall Files: Going Deeper Edition! Today we are joined by Perfect Match’s Francesca Farago to get the truth about her time on the show, if her portrayal was accurate, and the secrets other cast members were hiding. Which guy sent her a sweaty video saying “I’m coming for you” prior to...

Feb 21, 2023

Welcome back to another episode of The Viall Files: Bachelor Recap Edition! We’re joined by actor and producer, Jason Ritter! to discuss the fifth episode of Zach’s season. We start out by covering the week’s Bachelor Tea, including Erich Schwer’s new romance and rumors of Chris Harrison returning to ABC. We...