Jan 15, 2023
Episode 1 - Dyslexia, A Little About Me
Welcome to the Dyslexia in Adults Podcast!
I feel like the topic of dyslexia, specifically in adults, has been forgotten and I intend to fill that need to support fellow dyslexics to navigate life with Dyslexia in adulthood.
I started Dyslexia in Adults out of frustration. When I needed information on how to deal with adult issues as someone with dyslexia, there was only information on dyslexia in children. The subject of dyslexia in adults seemed to be something that was given a cursory glance, never the main topic.
In this first episode, I want to tell you a little bit about me; when I was diagnosed with dyslexia and the challenges that I faced and how the support during childhood gave me the resiliance in adulthood to find my strengths and sucess because of Dyslexia.
In this episode I also share what led me to start Dyslexia in Adults.
I share my life with dyslexia through 4 short stories which I know alot of people will be able to relate to.
I want to thank you for joining me and listening to this podcast! It really helps the podcast and the mission if you rate, review, and share this podcast so that others may find it and get the support they need.
Key topics:
- Getting diagnosed with dyslexia,
- What having dyslexia at school was like,
- Entering the work place as someone with dyslexia,
- Possibly my biggest dyslexia fail moment, and
- Why I started Dyslexia in Adults.
Visit the Dyslexia in Adults Website: Dyslexia in Adults Website
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Dyslexia in Adults is hosted by Natalie Brooks and is produced by FAC. Fisher Audio Cast: Fisher Audio Cast Website