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Dyslexia in Adults

Apr 15, 2024

Episode 68 - Dyslexia and Reading Long E-mails

That feeling you get when you get one heck of a loooong e-mail! 

This is a question that came up in our membership The Hive and ther person seeking help was desperate for that hack that would solve their problem.

Often, with dyslexia, the reading is not the problem, its the comprehension. 

Comprehension is the understanding of teh whole text, not just the words. This usually comes about when you notice that you have re-read the same text multple times, and when you get to the end and relaise that you took none of that in. 

Ofcourse there are loads of things which we could recomend. Theres a ton of assivtive technology and coloured filters you could use which might help. But I am sorry to say that, when we want real sucess with managing our dyslexia, the reality is that there is no one hack that will solve everything for you. And, though we could recommend loads of really helpful things, it is usually down to the individual needs as some things just won't work for you and the way your brain works.

In this episode I share with you some suggestions which we believe could help with thsi specific dyslexia challenge and what we think you should do to get ever lasting sucess. 


Don't forget to download the free guide to dyslexia!

*** Free Guide "Decode Dyslexia at Work" ***

Includes advice and tips such as:

  • Simple and easy-to-understand explanation of dyslexic strengths,
  • Our best and most recommended dyslexic strategies, and
  • Building confidence and learning how to be proud of dyslexia.


I want to thank you for joining me and listening to this podcast! It really helps the podcast and the mission if you rate, review, and share this podcast so that others may find it and get the support they need.

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Dyslexia in Adults is hosted by Natalie Brooks and is produced by FAC. Fisher Audio Cast: Fisher Audio Cast Website