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Dyslexia in Adults

Apr 1, 2024

Episode 66 - Understanding Working Memory with Dyslexia

What is working memory? How does it affect my day-to-day work, and how can I better understand working memory so that I can navigate the challenges and thrive?

These are just some of the questions my 1:1 coaching clients ask me and one that I am all too familiar with myself! 

Working memory can purhapes be one of the hardest things to understand about dyslexia for ourselves and to explain to other people. And it is often the most maskes challenge.

When we understand dyslexia and working memory, we can start to impliment strategies to navigate the challenge, better explain it to others, and build confidence.

In this episode I share with you real stories from my own experience which demonstrates how working memory affects my day-to-day work, and how understanding it better allows me to create straegies that really work and help me to thrive.


Don't forget to download the free guide to dyslexia!

*** Free Guide "Decode Dyslexia at Work" ***

Includes advice and tips such as:

  • Simple and easy-to-understand explanation of dyslexic strengths,
  • Our best and most recommended dyslexic strategies, and
  • Building confidence and learning how to be proud of dyslexia.


I want to thank you for joining me and listening to this podcast! It really helps the podcast and the mission if you rate, review, and share this podcast so that others may find it and get the support they need.

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Dyslexia in Adults is hosted by Natalie Brooks and is produced by FAC. Fisher Audio Cast: Fisher Audio Cast Website