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Zestful Aging

Dec 28, 2024

When you think of people pleasing, what comes to mind? Many of my therapy clients are discovering that their long history of trying to make others happy and comfortable is causing them distress. The good news is that as we age, we seem less and less interested in putting everyone’s needs first. What’s happening...

Dec 25, 2024

As a psychotherapist, I’m always open to ways we can feel less anxious and alone. Some of us have a destressing toolbox which might include yoga, meditation, crafting, pets and the like. I’d like to add one that is a bit less conventional.

Thrift stores provide a kind of mini community and sense of shared purpose...

Dec 14, 2024

I was invited to interview my friend and colleague, Dr. Rich O’Neil, who hosts the podcast Check Up From the Neck Up on WCNY. We’ve co-hosted his show a couple of times before and it is so fun. We tape at the public radio station WCNY and you feel like a real radio star in the sound booth. So many buttons! He...

Nov 30, 2024

If you’ve listened to Zestful Aging, you know that I love nature and am fascinated by its healing properties. In this episode we’re going to talk about a profoundly healing practice you may not have heard of. I do ask that you keep an open mind, because it sounds unconventional until you understand the science...

Nov 16, 2024

Modern society has conditioned us to see aging as a depressing deteriorating experience with a growing list of pain symptoms and an even longer list of prescription drugs.  Some of our conversations can devolve into a comparison of newly discovered ailments. Dr. Avanti Kumar-Singh was an emergency room doctor...